In a land where who you are is not a name or the mask you put on
May the shades of originality not fade away
May the blinds not be drawn on the beauty of the sunsets
Let chance be given to the moon to brighten our dark alleys
May we find beauty in the present and hope in the future
May we adorn our mornings with hallelujahs and cloak our evenings with amens
Maybe we’d learn to love—family, friends, foes, ourselves
The question of our existence
Would not be a reunion of all unhappy memories stored in the attic
After years of trying
We can finally learn to let go—with hope
Maybe next year we can all get our sobriety chips
For not getting drunk on our loneliness
We would have figured out that
Life is the meaning we attach to our breaths
When we wander far off may the trails of passion guide us home
Home— a person, a place
When all our senses are numbed May our presence never be forgotten